Continued net sales growth but a smaller number of loss projects negatively affect the result


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  • Continued net sales growth but a smaller number of loss projects negatively affect the result

Second quarter: April – June

  • Net sales increased by 16 percent to 351 MSEK (304)
  • Order intake amounted to 364 MSEK (505)
  • Order backlog increased by 14 percent to 1,592 MSEK (1,394)
  • Operating profit amounted to 27 MSEK (34)
  • Adjusted operating profit amounted to 28 MSEK (34)
  • Net profit after tax amounted to 20 MSEK (26)
  • Earnings per share amounted to 1.03 SEK (1.18)
  • Operating cash flow improved to 32 MSEK (-41)

Half-year period: January – June

  • Net sales increased by 15 percent to 640 MSEK (554)
  • Order intake amounted to 656 MSEK (768)
  • Operating profit amounted to 53 MSEK (56)
  • Adjusted operating profit amounted to 54 MSEK (56)
  • Net profit after tax amounted to 39 MSEK (42)
  • Earnings per share amounted to 1.91 SEK (1.93)
  • Operating cash flow amounted to 18 MSEK (-54)

Telephone conference

An online telephone conference will be held on 14 July 2022 at 14:30 CET at which President and CEO Kenneth Lundahl and CFO Michael Grindborn will present the report and answer questions. To participate, please call:

SE: +46 8 505 163 86; Pin code: 5286208#

UK: +44 203 198 4884; Pin code: 5286208#

USA: +1 412 317 6300; Pin code: 5286208#

Calendar 2022/2023   

Interim report Jan-Sep 2022        31 October 2022
Year-end report Jan-Dec 2022
      6 February 2023
Interim report Jan-Mar 2023        24 April 2023


This disclosure contains information that Balco Group AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014) and the Swedish Securities Markets Act (2007:528). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 14-07-2022 13:00 CET.

For more information, please contact:

Kenneth Lundahl, President and CEO
Tel: +46 70 630 20 57

[email protected]

Michael Grindborn, CFO and Head of IR
Tel: +46 70 670 18 48
[email protected]


Balco Q2 2022 eng
